Tuesday, September 21, 2010

More than a bird, more than a plane

A baby sister added to a family of two sons was the perfect way to complete the Betty's. I was very young when I began to look up to my older brothers, especially Matheau. It began with copying everything he did, playing with legos, watching wrestling, and most importantly, soccer. Matheau taught me how to play soccer when I was a four and I've been playing at least two seasons a year ever since. All my life I've looked up to Matt and he was always my hero. That was, until he was fourteen and began smoking marijuana often. It was only the beginning of what would become a battle of to more serious addiction, changing his lifestlye, and throwing away oppurtunities he wouldn't get back. I watched him become an addict, and that taught me to live above the influence. I watched Matheau begin to fail out of school, and that taught me to excel in my academics completely junior and senior year with straight a's. I watched my brother fall and throw away everything. Watching my brother's downfall helped me to realize that I wanted better for myself, and through his mistakes I fix them in mine. When Matheau had his recovery, joined the service, and started a family it taught me that even when your at your low, there is always a way to go lower or higher. This project will be a video montage of how perfect life was for me and matheau when we were at the peak of our childhood. It will then show Matheaus downfall and how I benefited from it. Then it will end with Matheaus recovery, how his life impacted mine, and where we both are today. No matter what he does from now on he will always be my superman.

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